

Catch Up on CXUnifiers' mainstage sessions: now on-demand!

CXUnifiers Logo 2024 v2

Elevating CX & Productivity. Radically.

Ragy Thomas, Sprinklr's Founder, Advisor to the CEO & Chairman of Board, took to the CXUnifiers main stage and talked about the importance of unifying your front office teams — to streamline workflows and meet customer needs more seamlessly. 

Here’s what Ragy talked about: 

  • How Sprinklr’s unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) platform is the operating system for the Edge. 
  • Sprinklr’s new innovations: Digital Twin, Surveys, Crisis Management Solution App, VoiceConnect, Project Management & Collaboration, Social Self-Serve as well as Community.
  • How the Sprinklr Digital Twin can help your employees, your teams, and your brand. 

The future of the front office is going to be radically different.

Ragy's Stage

The How on Sprinklr

Buddy Waddington, Sprinklr’s Principal Technologist for AI and Insights, illustrated the necessity for leaders to realize the value of AI now, and offered starting points to embrace AI across 4 main elements of CX. 

Starting points Buddy talked about:  

  • Reimagining content creation via generative AI 
  • Embracing marketing process as the new opportunity for optimization 
  • Surrounding service agents with AI 
  • Unifying unsolicited and AI-first solicited research 

Focusing on AI across CX is the best step toward the future of the front office. 

Buddy Stage