Unlock Your Account


Forgetting your password can happen, and if you've accidentally entered an incorrect password too many times, you might find yourself locked out of your account. But not to worry - Sprinklr's account unlock functionality helps you get back into Sprinklr quickly and securely.

Unlock Account Workflow

When logging into Sprinklr, if an incorrect password has been entered too many times, you can use the unlock link on the login screen to trigger your unlock workflow.

Depending on the security settings for your environment, you may receive just an email link to unlock, however, Sprinklr offers second- and third- level verification which may require that you also enter the following:

  • The answer to your Security Question 
  • A one-time password sent to your mobile phone.

Forgot Password Workflow

When you forget your password, you can use the link on the login screen to trigger a password reset workflow.

Depending on the security settings for your environment, you may receive just an email link to reset, however, Sprinklr offers second- and third- level verification which may require that you also enter the following:

  • The answer to your Security Question 
  • A one-time password sent to your mobile phone.

Your Security Settings

Planning ahead for the possibility that you may find yourself locked out of your account can help ensure a quick account unlock. This means that you should ensure that your personal user settings are up-to-date in Sprinklr.

Access your security settings by hovering over your user image in the top navigation bar and selecting Security Settings.

The security requirements to unlock your account depend on your environment's authentication set-up. In your personal security settings, changes you can make include updating your password, changing your mobile number, and changing your security question and answer.


All updates to your security settings require entry of your password to update.