HomeSprinklr ServiceSocial Customer Service


Deliver a unified brand experience to your customers across 15+ social media channels

Effectively scale AI-driven social customer service strategy with unprecedented channel coverage.
Converge 15+ social media channels  to improve customer satisfaction/reach

Future-proof your channel strategy with extensive coverage

Ensure wide channel coverage with 15+ social channels to reach customers at their preferred channels

Have smooth interactions across social media channels

Engage with customers and respond in a swift manner to customer service questions or complaints on social media.

Have smooth interactions across social media channels

Establish consistent brand presence on all channels

Add new channels including proprietary applications through flexible SDKs and APIs. Scale up channels within minutes to meet the rapid demand.

Establish consistent brand presence on all channels

Expand your reach

Supporting new channels can help you reach new customer segments or demographics that prefer different channels of communication. This can help you expand your customer base and increase your market reach.

Expand Your Reach

Increase first contact resolution rates using AI activated features

Empower agents with AI-powered capabilities resulting in reduced response time and increased customer satisfaction.

Deliver contextual support with multi-lingual bot

Deploy a single scalable AI-powered chatbot on multiple social channels and train it in different languages.

Deliver contextual support with multi-lingual bot

Drive compliance with AI

Ensure agents meet the required quality standards while reducing response times with AI-powered Smart Response and Paraphraser.

Drive Compliance with AI

Optimize agent capacity with AI-Powered routing

Leverage AI to identify the best suited agent for an incoming query based on their skill sets and historic performance on different issue types. Centrally configure your routing logic based on dynamic agent capacity and skills.

Optimize agent capacity with AI Powered routing

Make social the focal point of your omnichannel strategy

Ensure seamless customer engagement on your customers’ preferred social channels.

Connect conversations across different social platforms

Bring conversations happening across multiple channels in a single view to ensure effortless responses, agent efficiency and accuracy.

Connect conversations across different social platforms

Identify channel preferences

Optimize channel coverage by identifying customers’ preferred channels to prioritize agent assignment to the channels.

Identify channel preferences

Simplify channel hopping for customers

Leverage 100% safe and secure channel transitioning without losing context of customer conversations.

Simplify channel hopping for customers

Frequently asked questions