Creating a Rapid, Actionable Insight Network
When you think about your company's increased demand for not only more granularity of data, but also the imperative to quickly access it..so many questions come to mind. First, do you have all of the data you need...from all the sources available? Second, are you fully utilizing automation and AI to generate actionable insights out of that data? Third, who are all of the stakeholders that need these actionable insights to make forward-looking growth decisions? And, what's the gap in getting it to them? Not to mention, security.
Join this session to get answers to these questions, and learn how unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) is helping companies like Unilever get ahead - and stay ahead - of the market.
Joe Charnitski
Tyler Altrup
Principal Consultant, CXM Best Practices - Tech and Retail Industry Lead
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