Optimize Your In-Store Experience Using AI-Powered Location Intelligence
Available on-demand
Alec Armer
30 minutes
Create more engaging experiences on a store-by-store level with AI-generated insights.
Social channels have transformed online retail experiences — and consumer expectations for in-person shopping. The good news: there’s a way for retailers to better understand what their customers want and need at any given location.
In this 30-minute session, you’ll discover how Sprinklr’s unified Sprinklr Insights platform can transform AI-powered retail intelligence into actionable insights at the individual store level by:
Interpreting customer sentiment on individual in-store experiences
Analyzing product feedback on a store-by-store level to find and fix issues fast
Leveraging Smart Alerts to monitor business-critical changes and anomalies — and route insights in real time to the appropriate teams

Alec Armer
Sr. Solutions Consultant
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