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How Transcosmos improved social advertising campaign management efficiency by more than 60%

Digital Transformation
Company Size
Tokyo, Japan
Featured Product

The Challenge

Transcosmos operates and optimizes thousands of ad campaigns for clients across financial services, airline, consumer packaged goods and more.

Prior to Sprinklr, operations and maintenance of those campaigns significantly drained time and labor, inhibiting scale, growth and organizational agility. The company needed a solution that could drastically improve efficiencies and optimize resource allocations.

The Solution

Transcosmos implemented Sprinklr Marketing and now uses the Rule engine to automate bidding across multiple qualifications including weather, audiences and time of day.

By setting performance-based conditions and actions for specific time windows, campaigns are managed through automated intelligence designed by Transcosmos consultants and operators and enabled by Sprinklr technology.

"Workload operations on weekends and late evenings were always an issue. Sprinklr’s rule engine drastically reduces time and costs to empower our teams to focus on the strategy of media more than ever,” said Masahiro Ozeki, Web Advertising Planner at Transcosmos.

The Outcome

Transcosmos leveraged Sprinklr’s unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) platform to optimize advertising campaigns for several key clients by decreasing average cost per install and unlocking time for operational consultants to focus on strategic client initiatives.

We are excited to work with Sprinklr, the global leader in social ad technology, in an emerging area of digital promotion. The collaboration propels us to explore new business, and to support our clients beyond traditional means.

download (1)
Junsuke Obonai,
Head of Department, Internet Promotion Department, Digital Marketing
, Transcosmos

Results included:

  • Reduction in full-time equivalent (FTE) hours by 20 hours (three operators per day a month)
  • Significant improvement in quality of service as staff had more time to focus on transformative initiatives like strategy and client communication
  • Consistent performance through bidding automation and reduction of weekend volatility
  • Reduced frequency of manual optimization, from an average of 7 times a day to 1-2 times a day

“Sprinklr improved the quality of our ad services and media sales to clients,” said Erika Kojima, Social Ads, Internet Promotion Department at Transcosmos.
