Agent Capacity and its Utilization


In today's fast-paced customer service landscape, efficient resource management is crucial for delivering exceptional support. Unified Routing introduces the concept of Agent Capacity, a powerful feature that helps organizations optimize workload distribution among agents. In this article, we will delve into the concept of Agent Capacity and how Unified Routing uses the agent's available capacity to assign cases.

Agent Capacity

In Unified Routing, agent capacity refers to the maximum workload or number of customer queries that an agent can handle at a given time. To ensure uniform distribution of these customer queries/cases, Unified Routing allows administrators or supervisors to define the capacity for each agent based on their capabilities and availability. This allotment of capacity (no of cases an agent can handle at a time) helps in ensuring that agents ar not overwhelmed with an excessive number of cases beyond their capacity, which can impact SLAs.

Defining Capacity of different Agents

Agents can be assigned capacity points in order to handle multiple cases from multiple channels. This means that, we can define the number of cases from each channel that should be assigned to agent. An example has been shown below where it is required that an agent's maximum capacity can be with 1 Voice Call or 2 Chat Cases or 4 Email cases.

In the above example, the agent can be at maximum capacity different combination of assignments, like 4 Email Cases, 2 Chat cases, 1 Voice Call or 1 Chat + 2 Email Cases.

Note : Here agent cannot be assigned 2 Chat + 1 Email (Total required capacity points = 125 capacity) as it breaches the total available capacity (100 Points).

How Unified Routing uses Agent Capacity for case distribution ?

Unified Routing's intelligent algorithm checks the available capacity points of each agent along with the capacity required by a case. After ensuring that the agents are available and they have the requires skills, it checks the available capacity points of all the eligible agents. The agent who has the maximum available capacity points is then assigned the case. This process occurs simultaneously for all the cases entering the work queue.