What is Social to Live Chat?
With this capability, brands can transfer users from social or any other channel to a more secure channel, i.e. Live Chat whenever there is a need to capture personal identifiable information. Brands will be able to send a link to users, clicking on which end users will be redirected to a custom Live Chat page from their existing conversation. The live chat conversation will automatically be associated with the same social case.
Why Social to Live Chat?
Consumers nowadays are more savvy than before and may reach out to brands on social media, knowing they will get a quicker response. Unfortunately, they start sharing their private information like account numbers, credit card details, Social Security numbers, their address, phone number which becomes a problem for brands as legal mandates restrict them from soliciting personal data on social. Hence, a secure chat complementing social becomes a necessity.
Can existing care customers use this functionality?
An existing care customer would already have live chat part of their environment as it is part of the license. Field team can approach the client and they can start availing the benefits of this functionality right away.
Field team for any brand needs to ensure add the live chat account created for social to live chat use cases in the standard/relevant existing care workflow (rules).