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European telecommunications company creates efficiencies in social ads workflow while increasing ROI

European Telecommunications Company
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adoption of Social Advertising
ads created
workdays saved with Auto Boost

The Challenge

A European telecommunications company provides mobile phone, LTE, 5G, cable internet, landlines, cable TV and IPTV services to more than 50 million customers.

A few years back, the company made the decision to move its social advertising department in-house. Its goal was to get faster, smarter, and more agile as a business. The company needed a technology solution that unified cross-functional teams onto one platform and provided for easy collaboration and visibility into all ads-related activity. With a lean team, it also needed a powerful platform that automated labor-intensive tasks while increasing return on ad spend (ROAS).

The Solution

The company implemented Social Advertising from Sprinklr Marketing. Since launch, it has realized efficiencies that save both time and money for the advertising team while increasing ROAS. The team leverages Sprinklr AI and automations, including:

Auto Boost to maximize engagement

The social ads team configured Auto Boost rules in the rule engine to automatically boost every organic post related to key categories. When a post reaches a certain performance threshold, the rules create several ads under the respective ad sets and campaigns to provide maximum engagement with the target audience.

“We are able to save a lot of time with Auto Boost,” says the company’s senior digital media manager. “Prior to Sprinklr, we did this all manually, and we simply weren’t able to boost every single post our content team was creating.”

In addition to the Auto Boost feature, the team was able to improve ads productivity and save up to 42 workdays with paid web analytics, advertising naming conventions, and approval workflows.

Smart Bidding to increase ROAS

To keep their social advertising campaigns profitable while reducing manual bidding efforts, the social ads team leverages Smart Bidding, which is an AI-based algorithm trained on their data to predict the best bid value for their ad sets. The team is able to save time while improving the performance of their ads.

Social Listening to build audiences

The company’s social ads team leverages Social Listening to create target audiences for advertising. For example, they may listen for positive sentiment related to their 5G network, then target those users for new 5G promotions — while excluding those who have expressed negative sentiment. Or, when they identify customers at risk of churning, they may target them with special offers in order to keep their loyalty.

The Outcome

The telecommunications company now uses Sprinklr for 100% of its social advertising across its marketing, sales, content, and communications teams.

“There are just three of us who do all social advertising for the brand,” says the senior digital media manager. “We couldn’t do that if we didn’t have a platform that combines the process, creates automated reports, automatically boosts postings, and makes it so easy to get campaign insights in a holistic way.”

For the digital media manager, the ability to customize the platform — as well as the personalized assistance from managed services consultants — is a one more huge value-add.

“With a lot of different teams working in Sprinklr, we’re able to customize the platform for every need from every team.”