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Global textile company delivers its sustainability message to consumers around the world

Global textile company
Company Size
7,900 employees
social media accounts managed
hours saved with asset re-use
Smart Alerts generated in two-week period

The Challenge

An international textile company wanted to build global awareness of its commitment to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050, and it needed to understand current opinions in and sentiment order to align its messaging.

To create more awareness and a deeper understanding around its mission, the company wanted to widen its messaging reach by connecting on social channels with consumers of the brands that use its product in their fabrics. It also wanted to get an accurate analysis of current opinions and trends in order to guide messaging for its own global operations and sales pitches.

“One of the biggest wins we’ve seen since implementing Sprinklr is to have transparency and visibility across all our markets,” says the company’s global head of digital.

To gain even more insight from social listening, the company sought a unified platform that would enable it to:

  • Have a 360-degree view of global consumer opinion and trends
  • Discover and engage in relevant social conversations around sustainability
  • Deliver insightful social marketing initiatives to secure value-added partnerships with the world’s fashion houses
  • Streamline and scale content publishing across social channels and markets

The Solution

The company implemented Sprinklr Social and Sprinklr Insights to streamline digital content workflows, enhance collaboration across global teams, and grow its social media presence in the B2B2C space.

Streamlining digital content workflows for effective use of resources across the company

Historically, a large social media following has not been critical to this company’s success, since it is primarily a B2B operation. But with the expansion of the business into the B2B2C space, where it collaborates with brands like Zara, H&M, Calvin Klein, Levi’s, and Farm Rio, the company has needed to grow its social media presence. Today, it has more than 40 accounts globally, which it manages using Social Publishing & Engagement from Sprinklr’s Sprinklr Social product suite.

Working from the shared Sprinklr platform, the global head of digital says his digital and marketing teams now have visibility into their colleagues’ work around the world. “The individual markets are no longer working in silos. They can see what other markets are doing, which improves collaboration across the company.” In the past, the only way for the marketing team in Japan to see what the team in the U.S. was doing was to go visit the actual social media channels and accounts. Today, they simply visit their shared Sprinklr dashboard to see all content, including past and future, across all geographies. This allows the brand to be more strategic in planning both global and local marketing campaigns. It also ensures that the company’s core messaging is on-brand in every market.

“Before Sprinklr, we had Excel sheets, which we would manually send across to different markets for approvals, and then upload our assets onto a shared drive to be downloaded individually,” says the company’s global head of digital.

Now, teams upload social assets to the Sprinklr platform, which are then routed through an automated approval process before they’re shared with local teams and published across different social channels and markets. Automated workflows like this enable the company to produce and deliver high-quality content more quickly and help mitigate risk to the brand by ensuring all assets are aligned to brand guidelines.

Delivering insightful marketing initiatives based on a 360-degree view of consumer opinion and trends

In addition to monitoring its own social channels, the company leverages Sprinklr to listen to relevant chatter online. Whether it’s through specific hashtags or keywords that consumers use, the team tracks not only the perception of their corporate and product messaging but the impact it has on partners.

“By tracking consumer opinions on sustainable fashion issues, we can see how much we’re enhancing the reputations of brands that use our product and how we can join in these conversations,” says the head of digital. With Social Listening from Sprinklr’s Sprinklr Insights suite, the marketing team can identify which key words and phrases mean the most to consumers.

“We can compare the most-mentioned words on channels like Instagram and X, formerly Twitter with B2B news publications in a word cloud and composition string,” he says. Terms like “carbon neutrality” and “carbon offset” are more common in the B2B industry, for example, but when it comes to fashion and consumers, the team discovered that the term “carbon zero” is more relatable. As a result, the team built an entire campaign based on that word pair.

Another Sprinklr value-add for employees is the company’s weekly social business newsletter, a report that’s generated on the Sprinklr platform and automatically emailed to employees. This glimpse into what’s trending helps teams stay on top of important social conversations.

Providing visibility into situations that require immediate attention

It can be difficult for brands to keep abreast of what consumers are saying online. The global head of digital says Sprinklr’s AI-powered Smart Alerts helps keep the company on its on their toes when it comes to navigating the social space.

“When certain words come up in relation to our brand, Smart Alerts will pick up on it and notify us,” he says. “This allows us to go back to the source and put a stop to any issues before they get blown up, especially when it’s a negative sentiment that can affect the brand reputation.” Recently, the team reached out to a publication to notify them of inaccuracies in a piece they’d published that mentioned the company. Upon verification, the article was removed.

The Outcome

With transparency and visibility into all campaigns and content, this global textile company has been able to take control of the conversations around their brand. “The content-sharing capabilities of Sprinklr has been one of our greatest returns on investment, as we have vastly improved content utilization ratio,” says the head of digital. The organization has saved 592 hours by adapting content for different regions, instead of creating them from scratch.

Having realized significant benefits from Sprinklr Insights and Sprinklr Social, the head of digital plans to take a deeper dive into Sprinklr’s unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) platform.

“It’ll be great to dig into Sprinklr’s analytics capabilities for greater business intelligence that will help the brand be more relevant to a constantly-evolving audience,” he said.