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How Philips uses Sprinklr to work with 100 agency partners across the globe

Health Technology
Company Size
77,000 employees
Netherlands, United States, and headquarters around the world
Featured Product
global adoption rate in about a year
independent agency partners across the globe

The Challenge

As a leading health technology company, Philips was facing challenges managing the creation, distribution, and analysis of its social advertising. As a large, complex organization, Philips’ social advertising campaigns involve working with approximately 100 independent agency partners located across the globe in more than 30 countries.

With agency partners working independently on creative, strategy, or reporting for the company’s advertising campaigns, Philips’ fragmented system of record made it difficult to gain full visibility into who was building creative assets or publishing content on behalf of the company.

Much of the company’s social advertising data and learnings were sitting in spreadsheets, either at Philips or with the agency partner. As a global company in the health technology space, where regulations are stringent, governance was proving to be another big challenge.

“We didn’t have a clear view of the market or performances,” said Anna Stoiloudi, Social Media Manager for Philips. “There were many inconsistencies in terms of reporting and how the different markets were calculating specific metrics. There was no standard tool.”

Philips needed a solution that would:

  • Provide the central marketing team with increased visibility across social activity
  • Increase efficiency and transparency across its social platforms
  • Implement a centralized tool for global visibility

The Solution

Initially, Philips began implementing Sprinklr Marketing across the organization in a phased rollout that began with a few markets.

“Sprinklr is such an integrated platform. It has become part of our digital ecosystem because it’s connected with different kinds of digital tools.”

CustomerStories Philips Headshot
Anna Stoiloudi,
Social Media Manager
, Philips

In just over a year, all markets and their respective agencies had been onboarded to Sprinklr, with a global adoption rate of 78% and climbing. Across the company, Sprinklr’s unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) platform is bridging the gaps created by so many independent agency partners all working on creative, strategy, and reporting.

By streamlining workflows and keeping everything within the Sprinklr dashboards, the Philips team adopted powerful solutions for stakeholders, agency partners, and the central marketing team that:

  • Establishes a dynamic system of record that casts aside inefficiencies and time-consuming exchanges that impact campaign launches.
  • Offers global visibility of channel performance from a paid social perspective through a robust, centralized platform.
  • Facilitates easy integrations with critical digital tools that help to inform future campaigns and more targeted programmatic ads.

The Outcome

Leveraging Sprinklr features like Dashboards, Ads Reporting, and Integrations — Philips has increased efficiency and transparency across its social platforms.