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Is there a treasure map that reveals what your customers truly want? There might be.

October 8, 202011 MIN READ

Picture this: You are launching a new line of fitness apparel. A part of you is excited about the launch, yet another part of you is overcome with anxiety. 

Are questions such as "Will the public find our product appealing?" and "Will the cost be a barrier for potential customers?" frequently crossing your mind? 

Wouldn’t it be great if you could tell in advance what your target audience is exactly looking for in terms of comfort, style and cost?  

That’s where customer insights come in. They are essential to making informed business decisions, much like what butter is to a slice of toast.  

It’s important to understand your customer’s needs to create a winning product. Unlocking actionable customer insights using data can help you do just that! 

You can also use customer insights to identify what channels offer the most bang for your buck and determine the best time to publish your campaigns. By using customer insights to inform your marketing campaigns, you can increase brand awareness, improve engagement and drive revenue.  

So, you know how having access to customer insights can feel like you're holding a winning lottery ticket? Well, it's not quite that simple. Just having the insights won't guarantee your business success sorry to be a buzzkill. 

To really nail your marketing campaign, get your team communicating and collaborating like it's nobody's business both within your organization and with external stakeholders. It's like that old saying, "Two heads are better than one". 

To make it happen, you'll need to be on top of your game when it comes to reporting and sharing customer data. This is how you'll get the juicy intel on customer behavior and purchasing decisions. Armed with that information, you'll be able to create campaigns that truly speak to your audience. 

Find your marketing mojo by tapping into your customer insights! 

Just as a seasoned treasure hunter relies on a map to locate the hidden riches, using customer insights is the key to unlocking the wealth of knowledge that can lead to successful marketing campaigns and strategies. 

As a customer, wouldn't you appreciate a brand that takes the time to understand your every whim and fancy?   

The same applies to your customers! By using data to gain insights into their preferences, behaviors and motivations, you can create personalized experiences that leave a lasting impression and foster customer loyalty. 

But as any adventurer knows, having a map is useless if you can't access it. Unlocking the full potential of your team requires smooth access to this treasure map of customer data. Without it, they'll be lost in a maze of obstacles, hindering collaboration and productivity and stalling your business growth. 

The sneaky costs of siloed customer insights! 

When data is siloed or systems are disconnected, it creates a maze that disconnects teams and obscures insights. Navigating this maze can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But the real difficulty lies in the lost opportunities to connect with customers and boost productivity. 72% of firms today find it difficult to curb data silos that span across systems, technologies and geographies. 

As a marketer, you're the captain of your ship and data silos are a stormy sea that threatens to throw you off course. Tackling these silos head-on will keep your team afloat and help you navigate towards a brighter horizon of customer insights and personalized marketing. 

Source: Treasure Data’s State of the Customer Journey report 

Siloed data can also have a huge impact on cross-team collaboration within your organization. Want to see how siloed data can leave your team in disarray?  

  • Lack of information puts brakes on progress: A fortress of data silos can leave teams stranded, struggling to find the information they need to succeed. Without the right tools to access the necessary information, they risk wandering in circles, wasting precious time and resources and risking their chances of victory. 
  • Team stumbling in the dark: When data is locked away in isolated silos, it's like seeing only a small fragment of a vast landscape. Without the full view, your team may miss valuable opportunities, lose sight of the end goal and waste precious resources. 
  • Silos breed blame games: Without clear ownership and accountability, team members can find themselves lost in a maze of finger-pointing and confusion. The result? A breakdown in communication that can ultimately undermine your organization's success. 
  • Decisions stuck in the mud: Data fragments scatter decision-making, leaving your teams stranded in a maze of incomplete information. Without the full picture, choices may falter and lead to missteps along the way. 

Say goodbye to those data silos wreaking havoc on your team and hello to the benefits of sharing data let's learn how! 

Why sharing is caring  

Customer data is like a treasure map, revealing hidden riches and secrets that can lead to success. Just like a map, it's important to keep it up-to-date and make sure everyone on the team has access to it. By sharing this information, you create a collaborative crew of adventurers who can work together to uncover valuable insights and navigate the tricky terrain of customer preferences. With this knowledge, you can chart a course towards success and strike gold with targeted marketing campaigns that speak directly to your audience. 

Types of customer data  

Customer data is like a treasure map, revealing hidden riches and secrets that can lead to success. Just like a map, it's important to keep it up-to-date and make sure everyone on the team has access to it. By sharing this information, you create a collaborative crew of adventurers who can work together to uncover valuable insights and navigate the tricky terrain of customer preferences. With this knowledge, you can chart a course towards success and strike gold with targeted marketing campaigns that speak directly to your audience. 

Here’s a great example of how customer insights can help create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with customers.  

Nike's "Dream Crazy'' campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick was a response to customer insights indicating that the brand needed to take a stand on social issues that resonated with its customers. The campaign was a success, generating positive sentiment and widespread media attention. Throughout all these years, Nike has stayed relevant, connected with their customers on a deeper level and achieved positive business outcomes by using customer insights to inform its marketing. 

This is a testament to the fact that effective sharing of data can boost your brand’s competitiveness, enabling you to respond to market trends and enhance your customer experience.  

Here’s what customer insight sharing can do for your brand:  

  • Get to know your crowd: By tapping into the deep well of customer data, you can gain a better understanding of your audience's needs and desires. Customer service data can help you address pain points and concerns, while sales data can reveal their shopping habits and preferences. And by leveraging product development data, you can craft messaging that speaks to their perceptions of your brand. With these insights in hand, you'll be well-equipped to create campaigns that capture their hearts and minds, driving greater engagement, loyalty and revenue. 
  • Teamwork makes the dream work: When teams share customer data, it's like weaving a tapestry of insights that helps create a seamless and satisfying experience for customers. Sales, marketing and product development teams can collaborate to create a masterpiece by exchanging valuable information. For example, marketing can provide sales with customer insights to help tailor their approach and sales can share feedback with product development to improve product quality. With everyone working together, you can create a beautiful tapestry of customer experience that leaves a lasting impression on your audience. 
  • Work smarter, not harder: Your marketing team can become more efficient with a wider variety of data at their fingertips. This can smooth out processes, cut down on expenses and heighten the impact of their campaigns. Additionally, unrestricted customer insights ensure that approval cycles are shorter and campaigns are rolled out punctually and cost-effectively. 

Customer insights sharing mode on or off? 4 steps to flip the switch! 

If your marketing ship is sailing on choppy waters due to lack of data, fear not! 

Here are four guiding stars to illuminate your path towards improved customer insight sharing within your organization: 

  • Share your data like a hero: Sharing marketing data is like sharing a cake. You want to make sure everyone gets a fair slice, but you also want to make sure it's not contaminated. That's why it's important to establish guidelines for sharing marketing data across teams and departments. Identify the type of data you're working with, determine who has access to it and establish secure protocols for sharing. Don't forget to train employees on how to handle the data properly. Regularly review and update the process for maximum effectiveness and relevance. With these guidelines in place, sharing marketing data can be a piece of cake. 
  • Get your data in one place: Imagine a bustling marketplace where each vendor has their own products and customers. To keep everyone informed about what's available and who's buying, it's best to have a central spot where everyone can gather and share information. The same goes for your marketing data - if you want your teams to have the most current insights, it's best to keep everything in one place. A  Unified-CXM platform can do just that. By centralizing your data from over 30+ digital and social media channels, everyone can access the desired information, leading to better collaboration, improved efficiency and more insightful data analysis. Plus, with a single source of truth, you can ensure that everyone is working with the same information, avoiding any confusion or mistakes.  
  • Make data your soulmate: Creating a data-driven culture means creating an atmosphere where everyone appreciates data, shares it regularly and uses it to inform their work. Start by getting leadership support, providing employees with training in data analysis and sharing, promoting collaboration between teams, setting clear goals and metrics, and acknowledging and rewarding data-driven decision-making.  
  • Data governance done right: Effective data management starts with identifying who is accountable for each data set and defining their roles. Regular meetings and clear communication channels are crucial to ensure accurate and complete data, leading to informed decisions. Standards for data quality, compliance, privacy and access should be set. Lastly, a consistent and compliant approach to data governance can reduce risks and promote data-driven decision-making. 

Better data sharing = Better marketing campaigns  

Marketing success hinges on using data effectively to measure campaign performance and drive revenue. Efficient customer insight sharing involves collecting, analyzing and using customer data to help you achieve the following: 

  • Target customers like a pro: You know what's better than knowing your customers? Understanding their needs! And that's where exchanging customer insights between departments comes in handy. By sharing the data collected from various touchpoints, you get a 360-degree view of your audience. This deep understanding enables you to identify recurring issues that customers face, which can help you optimize marketing campaigns that better address their concerns. 
  • Working together made easy: Have you heard the saying “the customer is always right”? Well, they may not always be right, but they sure know what they want! That's why insights from internal teams are gold when it comes to developing campaigns that hit the spot. Free circulation of insights between departments can also improve communication, aligning your teams around a common understanding of the customer and the market. By using a centralized calendar to manage cross-channel collaboration and scheduling, your team can streamline workflows, eliminate redundancies and keep messaging on-target across all channels. 
  • Make customers happier: Sharing insights across sales, customer service and marketing teams can elevate your customer experience. Doing this consistently can lead to customized suggestions, messaging and effective problem-solving. It will allow you to create customer-centric products and services that practically sell themselves and make marketing campaigns a breeze. 

An effective marketing strategy will go a long way toward the success of your business.  

To come up with one killer marketing strategy, unleash your inner customer detective. Tap into customer insights, share with your team and create campaigns that hit the bullseye! 

Discover how AI-powered Sprinklr Insights can bring your data and teams together for everlasting success. 

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