Follow Friday

Learn the meaning of Follow Friday, its benefits and how you can participate in the trend.

What is Follow Friday?

Follow Friday, often abbreviated as #FF or FF, is a social media practice where users recommend other accounts for their followers to check out, typically on Fridays. Initially popularized on X, it has since spread to other platforms like Instagram and Facebook. It helps to discover new content and build community on social media channels.  

Users mention or tag accounts they find interesting, inspiring or worth following, accompanied by the hashtag #FollowFriday or #FF. 

Benefits of Follow Friday: 

  • Increased visibility: Highlights and promotes lesser-known accounts, giving them exposure to a broader audience. 
  • Community building: Fosters a sense of community and support among social media users. 
  • Social media engagement: Encourages interactions and connections between users, enhancing engagement and network growth. 

Now that you understand the definition of Follow Friday, let’s jump into how to use Follow Friday on social media. 

How to use Follow Friday on social media

  • Share a post mentioning or tagging accounts you recommend 
  • Use hashtags #FollowFriday or #FF to increase the visibility of your recommendations 
  • Add a brief explanation of why others should follow these accounts, highlighting their unique value 
Example of Follow Friday on X


Additionally, you can also interact with posts that tag your account, thank the recommenders and reciprocate by recommending them to your followers. 

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