Conversational analytics — the missing piece in your customer experience puzzle

Shweta Kedas

May 11, 20239 min read

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The business world is no longer a peaceful oasis, but rather a merciless battlefield where customer satisfaction is the ultimate prize. The advent of digital technologies and online platforms has given customers the power to make or break businesses, making their interactions with brands more crucial than ever.

As a business owner or marketer, you undoubtedly understand the importance of delivering an exceptional customer experience. Satisfied customers are more likely to stick around, make repeat purchases, and even spread the word about your brand.

However, figuring out what makes your customers tick or what ticks them off can be a real head-scratcher. That's where conversational analytics comes into play. It's the missing puzzle piece that can help you solve the mystery of customer satisfaction.

Conversational analytics refers to the process of using advanced data analytics tools to extract insights and patterns from customer interactions with businesses. By analyzing these insights, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of customers' needs, expectations and behaviors, and tailor their products, services and communication strategies accordingly.

Table of Contents

Understanding how conversational analytics works — a step-by-step overview

Conversational analytics works by using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze customer interactions with businesses across various channels such as chat, email, social media, voice and more. Here is a brief overview of how conversational analytics works:

Step 1- Data Collection

The first step in conversational analytics is collecting customer data from various sources. This can include data from chat logs, emails, social media, voice recordings and other customer touchpoints.

Step 2 - Preprocessing

Once the data is collected, it is preprocessed to remove irrelevant data such as stop words, punctuation and special characters. The data is also normalized to ensure consistency in terms of spellings, grammar and syntax.

Step 3 - Natural Language Processing

Next, NLP techniques are applied to analyze the data. This involves breaking down the text into individual words, phrases and sentences, and then categorizing them based on their meaning and context.

Step 4 - Machine Learning

Once the text data has been processed, ML algorithms are applied to identify patterns and insights from the data. These algorithms can identify trends, patterns and anomalies in customer behavior, as well as predict customer sentiment, behavior and intent.

Step 5 - Visualization and Reporting

Finally, the insights generated from the data are visualized and reported in a format that is easy to understand and use. This can include visual dashboards, reports and alerts that help businesses to identify areas of improvement and take action to enhance customer experience.

How conversational analytics help contact centers improve customer experience

According to Opus Research, almost half (49%) of the survey respondents acknowledged that conversational analytics has a positive impact on enhancing the efficiency of Contact Centers. Here are some ways conversational analytics can help contact centers improve customer experience:

Comprehend underlying factors for customer contact

With advanced data analytics tools, businesses can analyze 100% of support conversations across both text and voice channels and identify the most frequent contact drivers and customer pain points. By identifying common themes in customer complaints or questions, businesses can take proactive measures to improve their products, services and customer support.

For example, if a business notices a lot of customers are having trouble with a particular feature on their website or product, they can address it before it becomes a major issue. Or, if they notice customers are repeatedly asking the same question, they can create a FAQ page or add the information to their website to provide quick and easy answers.

Not only does this help them provide better customer service, but it can also lead to increased customer loyalty. Customers appreciate businesses that listen to their needs and take action to address their concerns. By using conversational analytics to identify pain points and proactively address them, businesses can create a customer-centric culture that sets them apart from their competitors.


Understand customer emotions and concerns

As a customer, do you ever feel like your favorite brand just gets you? Like they know exactly what you need, and they're always there to provide it? Well, that's because they're monitoring your sentiment. That's right, businesses can use conversational analytics to monitor customer sentiment and ensure that they're meeting your needs.

By analyzing customer conversations across different communication channels, businesses can gain insights into customer emotions such as frustration, anger or happiness. This means that when you reach out to customer support, the business can quickly identify if you're feeling unhappy or dissatisfied, and take measures to address your concerns.

By implementing customer sentiment analysis, businesses can generate actionable alerts during customer conversations in real-time, which can help them identify critical moments and respond to customer needs quickly. For instance, if a customer expresses dissatisfaction or frustration with a product or service, the sentiment analysis tool can trigger an alert to notify the customer service team to take immediate action to address the issue.

But it's not just about fixing problems. Monitoring customer sentiment allows businesses to identify trends and patterns over time, which can inform their customer support strategies. By proactively identifying unhappy or dissatisfied customers, businesses can take measures to address their concerns and improve their experience.

And it's not just about the customer-business relationship. By monitoring sentiment, businesses can also gain insights into broader trends and issues that may be impacting their industry or the world at large. This can inform their business strategies and help them stay ahead of the curve.


Identify the factors causing delays in issue resolution

We've all been there: a customer support agent who needs to put us on hold or take a long time to look up information. It's frustrating, time-consuming, and can leave us feeling unimportant and undervalued. But what if there was a way to improve response time and make agents feel more confident in their ability to provide the right answers?

Enter conversational analytics. By analyzing past customer interactions, businesses can identify common questions and concerns and create automated responses to address them. This means that when a customer reaches out for support, they can receive a quick and accurate response without having to wait on hold or wait for an email reply.

Moreover, conversational analytics can also help businesses identify missing intents or gaps in their chatbot's capabilities. The system can analyze customer interactions with the chatbot and identify the most common intents or questions that are not properly addressed by the bot. By identifying these missing intents, businesses can improve their chatbot's resolution rate and reduce customer frustration.

Not only does this improve response time, but it can also significantly reduce the workload of customer support agents. By automating certain tasks, agents can focus on more complex issues and provide personalized solutions to customers.

Gain insights into customer’s preferences

Conversational analytics can also be used to provide personalized support to customers. By analyzing customer conversations and behavior, businesses can gain insights into a customer's interests, preferences and behaviors. This means that when you reach out to customer support, they can provide you with tailored solutions that are specific to your situation.

Personalized support can take many forms. 

For example, businesses can use conversational analytics to identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities that are tailored to the individual needs of each customer. This means that when a customer expresses interest in a specific product, businesses can recommend related products or services that the customer may also be interested in. Businesses can also provide customized support that is tailored to the customer's preferred communication channel, language or time zone.

But that's not all. 

Conversational analytics also enables businesses to tailor their marketing efforts to individual customers. By analyzing customer data and past interactions, businesses can create personalized marketing campaigns that are relevant and engaging to each customer. This can lead to increased customer engagement, as customers feel more valued and understood by the business.

Optimize ways to improve agent performance

Improving people capabilities involves providing training and support to agents to enhance their skills and knowledge. By monitoring customer interactions and sentiment, businesses can identify any areas where their agents may be struggling or need improvement.

Metrics such as response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction scores can be tracked and analyzed to pinpoint performance gaps. From there, tailored training programs can be implemented to develop the necessary skills and competencies in their agents.


Identify and address gaps in products and processes

Analyzing customer feedback data and identifying top drivers of negative feedback, missing intents and contact drivers can help businesses identify gaps in their products and processes. Once these gaps have been identified, businesses can take proactive measures to address them and improve their overall customer experience.

Fixing product gaps involves identifying and addressing issues with the design, functionality or quality of a product. By analyzing customer feedback data, businesses can identify the most common product-related complaints or issues and take steps to address them. This could involve redesigning a product, improving the quality of materials or providing better instructions or documentation.

Fixing process gaps involves identifying and addressing issues with the customer support process. For instance, businesses can use customer feedback data to identify bottlenecks or pain points in the customer support process and streamline the process to make it more efficient and customer-friendly.

Unlock the power of conversational analytics with Sprinklr

Not taking advantage of conversational analytics means losing out on a wealth of valuable insights into your customers. By analyzing your customer interactions, you can uncover key information that can help you enhance their experience, ultimately leading to increased sales, reduced churn and overall business growth.

However, to carry out conversational analysis effectively, you need the right tools at your disposal.

With Sprinklr's Conversational Analytics, you can harness the power of AI to analyze 100% of customer conversations across text and voice channels in real-time. This provides valuable insights that can drive actionable improvements in products, processes and agent performance.

By examining key performance indicators like CSAT Score, Net Promoter Score and Average Handling Time, you can make data-driven decisions that help to identify top contact drivers, decode customer sentiment, and gain a comprehensive understanding of customer needs and pain points.

Moreover, you can use the insights derived from analyzing recurring themes and phrases in customer conversations, filter them by sentiment and intent, and leverage them to identify areas for improvement and optimize your customer service operations.

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