Choosing an employee advocacy platform

Sonam Sagar

February 9, 20214 min read

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Empower your staff to become brand ambassadors

“Employee advocacy can increase your brand reach by 561%.”

In today’s evolving world, brands are striving to create meaningful connections with their customers and gain their trust, while also attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive market. There is an under-utilized resource sitting right in front of them. Brands can drive valuable awareness and engagement by harnessing the passion and social influence of their best advocates: their very own employees.

More than half of the world’s population uses social media and the number of social media users has increased by more than 400 million (+9.9%) over the past 12 months. And the global total continues to increase at a rate of more than 1 million new users every single day. With a well-crafted and organized employee advocacy program, you can arm your employees with the right tools to amplify their voice, utilize their network, and help them become the best home-grown influencers for your company.

A 2019 study by Hinge Research and Social Media Today found that 79% of firms surveyed reported more online visibility and a 65% increase in their brand’s recognition after the implementation of a formal employee advocacy program. When employees advocate for your brand, your company can increase its reach by 561%. And considering that 90% of customers trust product or service recommendations from people they know, and customers referred by employee advocates have a 37% higher retention rate, employee advocacy programs can help you elevate your brand’s presence, build trust with your customers, and increase your talent pool.

“Companies with a successful employee advocacy program are 58% more likely to attract, and 20% more likely to retain, top talent.” — LinkedIn

What should you look for in an employee advocacy platform?

When considering an employee advocacy platform, you’ll want a purpose-built solution specifically for advocacy and dedicated to capturing the attention of your employees. The right employee advocacy platform gives your organization:

A centralized tool. Employees have an organized location to easily identify content, share to modern channels, and connect with their network in one place across their individual social media accounts.

Security and oversight. Single sign-on (SSO) protections ensure oversight and employee-only access, and eliminates the worry of random tags to your brand.

Streamlined and compliant communication efforts. By publishing shareable and non-shareable content, your platform will serve as the single source of truth for all company announcements and minimize confusion around what information is public versus private. By having this extra layer of governance, brands can ensure all messages are approved before they are shared to mitigate any reputational or business risk.

Internal collaboration and conversations. Understand which content employees like and share the most. Employees can even submit their own content for approval to be re-used by other advocates, empowering employees to curate their own content while maintaining approved brand voice across modern channels.

Unique user experiences. Segment user content based on their roles, profile attributes, and personal interests. Utilize awards, points, and badges to gamify the employee experience, encourage participation, and build awareness for your brand.

Increased brand visibility and engagement. Publish and schedule content across multiple modern channels, including: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X, formerly Twitter.

Rich analytics and metrics. Gain insights on top-performing content and quantify success by channel and more. Easily connect to your other marketing efforts for a unified, omnichannel experience.

Your employees are often the most overlooked and powerful marketing resource. They can reuse and refuel top-performing content while charging its reach and impact, all while simultaneously driving down costs, becoming more engaged and passionate about the company themselves, and humanizing your brand. A robust employee advocacy platform will help your brand increase revenue with pipeline generation, reduce content production costs, and manage brand risk with enterprise-grade governance.

To learn more about the Sprinklr Employee Advocacy Platform, download the ebook, Turning Employees Into Your Best Brand Advocates.

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