How to Build a Successful X, formerly Twitter Ad Funnel

Sprinklr Team

January 13, 20205 min read

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Do you want to maximize ad conversions? Let’s explore how you can use Sprinklr’s segmentation capabilities on X, formerly Twitter to build a conversion funnel and improve your ad conversions.

Table of Contents

Understand Conversion Funnel

As a marketer/advertiser, you want to reach the most relevant audience for your ad campaigns to boost your ad results. A conversion funnel is used in e-commerce to describe the path an online visitor follows before making a purchase. This is called a funnel because you are guiding the customer towards a sale.

Conversion funnel helps you separate customers based on their stage of interest in your brand. The customers start their journey at the top of the funnel and complete it near the bottom, usually advancing through the following three stages of the customer journey: Awareness (when they discover or learn about your brand), Consideration (when they are evaluating your brand), and Conversion (when they are ready to purchase your brand’s offerings).

So by knowing exactly which stage your customers are in, you can tailor your communication to meet their current level of expectation, and motivate them to move from one stage to the next.

Segment Customers across the Customer Funnel with Sprinklr’s AI-Powered Segmentation

Whether you want to make customers aware of your brand’s products or services or influence their buying decision and drive them to purchase, X, formerly Twitter data on audience behavior (who do they follow, what do they do, what their interests are, which tweets they engage with and how, etc.) can help you segment and reach them in a way that aligns with their expectations.

You can use Sprinklr’s segmentation capabilities on X, formerly Twitter data to create dynamic audience segments for differentiating customers across various stages of the conversion funnel. With Sprinklr’s AI-powered audience enrichments (interests, professions, age, sentiment, etc.), these segments align with your ad campaign strategies, thus ensuring effective results.

maximize ad conversions

Let’s see how a sportswear manufacturing brand segmented customers across different stages of the conversion funnel using Sprinklr to achieve their advertising goals.

Awareness Stage

The focus in this stage is to build brand awareness and create a larger pool of relevant future prospects.

A sportswear brand wanted to grow its X, formerly Twitter community with relevant users who play, watch, like basketball and are interested in basketball-related products. Using Sprinklr’s segmentation, the brand created a segment of 60 million users who follow some famous basketball players, have specific keywords in their user bio, or are interested in the sport.

maximize ad conversions segmentation

Reach: 60 million users | User Attributes: User Bio, General Interest, Followers of users

Consideration Stage

Moving through the funnel, at this stage, the marketing objective is to influence prospects to take the plunge, focusing on narrow audience segmentation.

The sportswear brand wanted to influence the detractors of their competitors. They created a segment of 10.5 million users who engaged with their competitors’ X, formerly Twitter handles with a negative sentiment.

maximize ad converions 10.5

Reach: 10.5 million | User Attributes: Engaged with Social Handles (of competitors), Tweet Sentiment

Conversion Stage

At the bottom of the funnel, the marketing efforts centralizes on a highly tailored audience.

The Sportswear brand wanted to re-engage with their audience. So, they created a segment of 1.5 million users who have positively engaged with the brand’s X, formerly Twitter handle.

maximize ad conversion 1.5

Reach: 1.5 million | User Attributes: Engaged with Social Handle (of brand), Tweet Sentiment

Align X, formerly Twitter Ad Content to Customer Stages in the Funnel

Now that you have the right target audience with you across different stages of the conversion funnel, you need to create X, formerly Twitter ad campaigns that resonate with the segment and drive better conversions. It is important that you answer and align the following questions to create campaigns that drive results:

1. What is your campaign objective?

maximize ad conversions campaign objective

2. Where is the audience in the conversion funnel?

maximize ad conversions audience funnel

3. What do they seek or expect?

maximize ad conversions solutions

4. Is your campaign relevant to the target audience segment?

As a marketer or advertiser, you need to tailor your offerings and content in order to reach the right audience with the right message. For example, an insurance company wanted to push the customers who are in the middle of the funnel (Consideration) to the bottom (Conversion), so they created a X, formerly Twitter ad campaign highlighting the major differentiators between their plans versus their competitors.

Let’s see how a few brands achieved high ad conversions by aligning their communications with the stages customers are in the conversion funnel, using Sprinklr’s segmentation capabilities.





Your customer data is inevitably fragmented, making an optimized conversion funnel a vital step towards successful marketing in 2020. Learn more about Sprinklr Advertising here.

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