Optimizing Pinterest Ad Campaigns via Goals and Targeting

Sprinklr Team

January 30, 20214 min read

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With more than 1.5 million companies using Pinterest each month to grow their businesses, the platform has become so much more than a space for recipe swaps and interior design inspiration.

Getting the most out of Pinterest requires a fundamental understanding of the platform’s many uses and tools. A smart first step? Learning how to improve your brand’s exposure with the right Pinterest Advertising selections.

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Choosing the Right Goals for Your Campaign

Pinterest ads, which are supported within Sprinklr’s Ads Manager, provides the option to choose between four different goal sets.

Below are the four campaign goals you can choose from:

Brand Awareness

If you simply want to build some exposure for your brand, Brand Awareness will allow you to promote your business with a traditional Pin. This is a non-video option, so it’s a great introduction for companies that don’t have a video production team or are just getting their feet wet when it comes to ads.

Video Views

For companies that have product videos ready to share with the world, choosing the Video Views goal will enable them to get in front of viewers.


If your goal is to drive traffic to your website, this one speaks for itself. Selecting this option for a Pinterest ad will drive people to your site and encourage them to take action once they get there. If you’ve spent a lot of time optimizing your site, but maybe not as much time creating promotional materials, this is a good goal to select.

App Install

Again, this goal is pretty self-explanatory. If you have an app that you’d like more people to install, select this option.

Selecting the Right Goal

When selecting a goal, always keep your content and brand objectives in mind. Consider the resources at your disposal, and think about how Pinterest’s unique platform can help you make the best of your resources – especially if you’re just starting to experiment with Pinterest ads.

For example, don’t rush into video creation just because you think it’ll look better in promotions. If you have strong images, let them shine in a Brand Awareness campaign.

Don’t Forget Audience Targeting

Figuring out the right content and goals are important first steps in setting up Pinterest ads, but audience targeting defines the success of campaigns. You can have the most eye-catching ads in the world, but if they’re delivered to the wrong group, the entire effort (and budget) goes to waste.

It’s important to note that Sprinklr supports native targeting capabilities, and taps into first-party data source through Social DMP for Pinterest targeting.

Popular Pinterest ad targeting options include Gender, Location, and Language, among others. Additional audience targeting fields include Audience, Interests, Keywords, and Expanded Targeting.

Here’s why these additional fields matter:


Audience targeting allows brands to reach Pinterest users based on information the brand has, as well as information Pinterest has gathered about how people are using the site. If people have visited a brands’ website in the past, have engaged with similar ads, or are already on customer lists, they can be reached through Audience targeting.


The great thing about Pinterest is that you can easily see what a person is interested in based on the boards they’ve created and follow. Whether your products are related to fashion, food, furniture, or far-off escapes – you can target Pinners who create boards based on these topics.


To get in front of the people most interested in your products, target keywords they’re searching for. If you sell baking pans, for example, you can target keywords like “kitchenware” or “baking.” If you sell clothing, capitalize on seasonal trends by targeting keywords like “fall wardrobe,” or “chunky sweaters.” Do your research to see which keywords are getting the most attention in your market.

Expanded Targeting

Expanded Targeting gives Pinterest the reigns to determine which people to reach depending on the content of your ad. No need to look into keywords or interests, as Pinterest takes care of everything.

Bringing it All Together

Once you’ve defined your brand’s advertising objectives and determined which audiences you’d like to reach, start optimizing your Pinterest campaigns – an easy process with Sprinklr’s rules engine – to get the attention of your target market. Feel free to play around with different content formats and targeting segments to see which ad types work best for your brand.

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Social Advertising Platform

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