Social Media Statistics: 100+ Facts on Social Media Users

Surbhi Nahata

December 3, 20233 min read

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Have you ever wondered about the vastness of the digital world and who else is actively using social media? Well, you don’t have to be left thinking for too long as we’ll be uncovering the details for you. 

Get ready to explore the world of social media stats with over 100 mind-blowing usage statistics! In this comprehensive blog, we’ll be providing the insights you need to understand the incredible story of our online lives. So, settle down and grab yourself a cup of coffee as we go through some of the most fascinating facts that shape our digital universe.   

What are social media statistics?

Social media statistics offer valuable insights into user demographics, engagement levels, content preferences and the impact of social media. Analyzing these numbers helps marketers, businesses and researchers make informed decisions to improve their social media strategies. 

100+ top trends in social media usage

  1. As of October 2023, the global social media user base has reached a staggering 4.95 billion individuals  

  2. Globally, there are approximately 5.07 billion internet users, which accounts for nearly 63.5% of the global population  

  3. 9 in 10 internet users use social media every month  

  4. An average social media user uses 7.2 different social media platforms every month  

  5. Social media is utilized by over 75% of the eligible global population at present 

  6. Every day, over 10 billion hours are collectively devoted to using social media worldwide 


  1. Global user base: As of 2022, there were 4.59 billion social media users worldwide and this number continues to grow 

  2. Age distribution: People aged 18-29 are the most active social media users, with 90.4% of them using social platforms

  3. Gender split: According to a study group in 2021, 56.2% of social media users are female and 43.8% are male 

Platform popularity 

  1. Facebook dominance: Facebook remains the most popular social media platform, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users

  2. Instagram's rise: In 2021, Instagram boasted over 1 billion monthly active users, making it a powerful platform for visual content

  3. X's (formerly Twitter) impact: X has 353.9 million monthly active users, making it a hub for real-time updates and conversations 

  4. LinkedIn for professionals: LinkedIn has 722 million users, with a strong focus on business networking

Usage habits 

  1. Daily usage: The average social media user spends 2 hours and 29 minutes per day on social platforms

  2. Mobile dominance: 99% of social media users access platforms via mobile devices

Content engagement

  1. Video content: Videos receive 48% more engagement on social media compared to other types of content 

  2. Images matter: Posts with images receive 2.3 times more engagement than those without

  3. Emojis boost engagement: Instagram posts with emojis see a 48% higher engagement rate

E-commerce and advertising 

  1. E-commerce surge: 80% of consumers have made purchases in response to social media content

  2. Ad spending: Global social media ad spending is projected to reach $207 billion in 2023

  3. Instagram ads: 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business account

  4. Influencer marketing: 72% of marketers consider influencer marketing effective

  5. 90% of users follow at least one brand on social media

  6. A significant majority of social media users, totaling 76%, have made a purchase based on something they came across on social media

  7. By 2026, the total ad spending revenue is expected to increase to $358 billion

Privacy and security 

  1. Data concerns: 81% of users are concerned about their data privacy on social media 

  2. Data breaches: A significant 69% of individuals have either deleted or considered deleting their social media accounts in response to recent data breaches on these platforms

User-generated content (UGC)

  1. UGC influence: 79% of people say user-generated content impacts their purchasing decisions 

  2. UGC trustworthiness: 85% of users find visual UGC more influential than brand videos or photos 

Social commerce

  1. Social shopping: 54% of users use social media to research products

  2. Checkout on social: Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer in-app checkout options

Global reach 

  1. Language diversity: Facebook is available in over 100 languages, making it truly global 

  2. Regional preferences: While Facebook dominates globally, platforms like VKontakte are popular in Russia and WeChat reigns supreme in China

Social media usage by businesses

  1. 91% of US marketers with companies larger than 100 employees use social media for marketing purposes

  2. 71% of consumers who have a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend it to others

  3. 18% of customers would take their issues to social media after a negative customer service experience

  4. Approximately 26.8% of individuals aged 16 to 64 on the internet come across brands, products and services through advertisements on social media

  5. The average person spends about 145 minutes on social media every day

  6. For 90% of people with a social media account, it has become a way of interacting with brands and businesses

  7. 2 out of 3 respondents agree that Instagram allows them to interact with brands

  8. 50% of users are more interested when seeing business ads on Instagram

Social media engagement 

  1. 80% of all Twitter interactions take place on a mobile device 

  2. The average Facebook page engagement rate across all content types is 0.07%, which is an average of 1 engagement per 1,429 page followers

  3. Carousel posts on Instagram have the highest engagement rate at 0.73%

  4. Instagram business accounts with less than 10,000 followers have the highest engagement rate at 0.75%

Social causes

  1. Social activism: 65% of social media users say they've taken political or social action after seeing content on social platforms, demonstrating the power of online activism 

  2. Donations via social: Facebook alone has raised over $2 billion for various causes through fundraisers, illustrating the platform's role in philanthropy 

Social media and mental health

  1. Approximately 32% of teenagers express the view that social media negatively affects individuals within their age group, while only 9% believe it has a similar adverse impact on themselves

  2. Nonetheless, most teenagers express that social media has neither positively nor negatively impacted themselves (59%) or others (45%)

  3. 67% of adolescents report feeling worse about their own lives as a result of their social media use

Content consumption

  1. News source: About 53% of Americans get their news from social media, highlighting the platforms' significance in delivering real-time information

  2. Podcast promotion: 51% of marketers use social media to promote podcasts, indicating its role in the growing podcast industry

User behavior during events

  1. Super Bowl engagement: During the Super Bowl, Forbes reports that Twitter witnessed 26 million tweets, demonstrating how events drive social media engagement

  2. Election coverage: According to Statista, Twitter recorded over 7.6 million tweets during the 2020 US Presidential Election, emphasizing the platform's role in political discourse

Customer service

Customer service on Twitter: 42% of users expect brands to respond to their queries within an hour, underlining the importance of responsive customer service on social media

Time spent

  1. Daily scrolling: People spend an average of 150 minutes per day scrolling through social media feeds, highlighting the platform's immersive nature

  2. Yearly total: This adds up to 1,095 hours or 45.6 days per year, showcasing the substantial amount of time individuals invest in social media

Time of use

Peak usage hours: The best times to post on social media vary by platform, but generally, mid-morning and early afternoon are considered optimal

Video streaming 

Live streaming growth: Live streaming on platforms like Twitch and YouTube has seen significant growth, with a 99% increase in viewing hours

Social media addiction 

Addiction concerns: It is estimated that more than 210 million people are addicted to social media

Mental health impact 

  1. Negative effects: Excessive use of social media has been linked to increased rates of depression and loneliness, emphasizing the need for responsible use

  2. Positive effects: Social media can also provide emotional support during challenging times, with users finding solace in online communities

Emotional response

  1. Emotional posts: Posts with emotional content receive higher engagement, highlighting the importance of relatability and connection in content creation

  2. Viral emotions: Joy and amusement are the most shared emotions on social media, reflecting the universal appeal of positive content

Content sharing 

  1. Content sharing: Over 5 billion snaps are created every day, highlighting the platform's focus on ephemeral content

  2. Stories dominance: 500 million people use Instagram Stories every day, indicating the popularity of ephemeral storytelling formats

Social media in education

  1. Educational resources: 74% of teachers use social media for professional development, showcasing its role in enhancing educational practices

  2. Remote learning: Social media played a significant role in remote education during the pandemic, with educators using platforms like Zoom and Google Classroom to connect with students

Brand loyalty 

  1. Engagement and loyalty: 53% of customers who follow brands on social media are more loyal to those brands, indicating the potential for building strong customer relationships 

  2. According to research findings, 70% of consumers who are emotionally connected to a brand tend to spend at least twice as much on that brand

Lead generation

The objective of lead generation is to capture prospective customers and usher them into your sales pipeline. According to research, a significant 61% of marketers view lead generation as their foremost hurdle. 

Role of AI 

  1. AI-powered content: 61% of marketers use AI for social media analytics, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to enhance marketing strategies  

  2. Chatbots: Around 80% of businesses plan to use chatbots for customer interactions on social media, streamlining customer service and engagement

Social media metrics and analytics

  1. Measuring success: Businesses track various key metrics on social media. On average, businesses experience an engagement rate of around 0.15% on Facebook and 0.6% on Instagram

  2. Content analysis: Social media analytics tools offer in-depth insights into content performance. A typical business may analyze hundreds of posts monthly to refine its content strategy. 

  3. Audience segmentation: Advanced analytics enable businesses to segment their audience effectively. 84% of businesses use location-based segmentation, while 67% use demographic data for targeting. 

AI and automation

  1. Content recommendations: AI-powered algorithms recommend personalized content to users. These algorithms have an accuracy rate of approximately 35% in predicting user preferences. 

  2. Automated chatbots: Chatbots use AI to provide immediate customer support. Chatbots can resolve up to 80% of routine customer inquiries without human intervention. 

  3. Predictive analytics: AI-driven predictive analytics help businesses forecast trends. Predictive analytics can improve marketing ROI by up to 20%

Micro-influencers and niche marketing

  1. Micro-influencer partnerships: Brands increasingly collaborate with micro-influencers who have smaller but highly engaged followings. Micro-influencers typically have 1,000 to 100,000 followers. 

  2. Niche social platforms: Businesses explore niche social media platforms to target specific demographics and interests. Niche platforms often boast user engagement rates 10-15% higher than mainstream platforms. 

  3. Hyper-personalization: Advanced targeting techniques enable hyper-personalized content delivery. Personalization increases user engagement by an average of 19%

Podcasts and audio content 

  1. Podcast growth: Podcasts continue to gain popularity. There are over 3 million podcasts available, with a total of over 48 million episodes. 

  2. Voice search optimization: Brands are optimizing their social media content for voice search. Voice search is estimated to account for 50% of all searches by 2023.

User-generated reviews and testimonials

  1. Social proof: User-generated reviews and testimonials are a powerful form of social proof. 91% of consumers aged 18-34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. 

  2. Review platforms: Review platforms like Yelp and TripAdvisor play a crucial role in shaping perceptions of businesses and destinations. Yelp receives over 178 million unique visitors each month

  3. Review moderation: Brands actively engage with user-generated content, responding to reviews and addressing concerns. Brands that respond to at least 25% of reviews see an average 35% increase in conversion rates

Social media for job hunting and professional growth 

  1. Job searches: LinkedIn serves as a prominent platform for job seekers, with millions of job postings and networking opportunities. LinkedIn has over 930 million users.  

  2. Professional branding: Individuals use social media to build and promote their brands. 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process.  

  3. Learning and skill development: Social media platforms offer courses and resources for skill development and career advancement. LinkedIn Learning offers over 16,000 courses on various topics. 

Global social media revenue and market trends  

  1. Revenue growth: Global social media revenue continues to rise. The projected market volume of $183.10 billion by 2027 is anticipated to be achieved with an annual growth rate (CAGR 2022-2027) of approximately 6.86% in total revenue.  

  2. Emerging markets: Social media platforms are expanding their presence in emerging markets. India has the highest number of Facebook users, with over 360 million active users.  

  3. Video advertising: Video ads on platforms like TikTok and YouTube are on the rise. TikTok's ad revenue reached $18 billion in 2023 and is projected to double by 2026.

Most popular social networks 







Monthly active users 

2.9 billion 

2.5 billion 

2 billion 

556 million 

310 million

Users by gender 

56.8% males 43.2% females 

54.4% males 45.6% females 

52.8% males 47.2% females 

72.7% males 27.3% females 

56.4% males 43.6% females

Active users in the U.S. 

182 million 

245 million 

153 million 

83.4 million 

190 million


Social media predictions for 2024 

  1. The increased video consumption expected in 2024 will necessitate businesses to adjust their strategies and plans 

  2. It's anticipated that about 40% of the content appearing in the primary Facebook feed next year will originate from pages you aren't currently following

To wrap it up 

Understanding social media usage statistics is essential for success in the digital era. These statistics highlight the importance of social media in communication, business and activism. Staying informed about these trends and metrics is essential for individuals, businesses and organizations looking to thrive digitally. 

As such, Sprinklr could very well help take your social media journey to the next level. With Sprinklr Social, you'll have all the tools needed to succeed on social media. It's a unified platform for managing social media effortlessly and achieving success. It provides valuable insights into your audience, optimizes post-scheduling and enables effective customer engagement.

So, if you're ready to level up your social media game, try Sprinklr and navigate the world of social media with confidence. Book a demo now to get the ball rolling! 

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