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Sprinklr Spotlight: Kristina Henry

December 18, 20183 MIN READ

“People never forget how you make them feel.” It’s a core value here at Sprinklr, and one that resonates strongly with Kristina Henry, our Senior Associate, Talent and Development. Working at Sprinklr for the past two years, Kristina has found a place where she can connect with others and build an environment that’s both collaborative and fun.

Recently, our Senior Manager of Public Relations, Rachel Leamon, sat down with Kristina as part of our Sprinklr Spotlight Series. The series aims to highlight members of our team and learn more about what they do inside and outside of Sprinklr. In this Spotlight, we learn about Kristina’s career path and how she manages her time as a leader in the Culture and Talent team at Sprinklr, and as a classically trained singer.

Rachel: What is your favorite thing about Sprinklr?

Kristina: When I started at Sprinklr, I immediately realized there was a special energy about this place. Nothing makes me happier than working at a place where you have to put your hair up and get busy. If something is way too easy, I don’t have any desire to be in that kind of work environment. I want there to be a little bit of a challenge so that I can show myself, “Hey, I did it.”

Rachel: What advice would you give to others looking to pursue a career at Sprinklr?

Kristina: You need to absolutely have an entrepreneurial spirit. It’s a requirement. You have to be hungry for making a change, because right now, we are looking for people to get us to the next level.

Rachel: Outside of work, you’re known for your beautiful singing – particularly singing Operasoul. What is Operasoul?

Kristina: It’s my contribution to classical music. It is the fusion of classical music in different idioms of soulful music. Gospel, R&B, all kinds of music. It’s about singing from your heart and serving the people with your instrument the way you feel that you can do it. Because in the classical world, there are so many rules. You have to be perfect. And that constricted me so much to the point where I didn’t do anything. So now I’m like, “Screw it, I have a good instrument.”

Do your thing and serve people with your instrument, don’t hold back. Don’t get in your own head. Be who you are and go for it!

And I don’t have any fear anymore. I think working at Sprinklr has definitely eliminated a lot of my own personal fears of rejection.

Rachel: How do you balance your passion for singing with work? What advice do you have for people who want to still make time for passions outside of work?

Kristina: The most amazing thing about Sprinklr is, to me, the fact that this laptop goes with me everywhere. I’m always connected to my work and have the flexibility to work from anywhere, and I’m also always connected to my voice. So, I make time the way it makes sense for me. Sometimes when I’m doing my work I’m listening to opera.

I always try to tell people — your job is just another part of your life, they don’t have to conflict with one another. If you’re a good dancer, then you should be dancing! And you fit it in where you can. Because that’s going to make you a happy employee. Do what makes you happy, and work will be so much more fun.

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