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The Power of Mentoring
“Sometimes you can’t pay it back, so you just have to pay it forward.” - Randy Pausch
Mentorship is one of my true passions, as I have been fortunate to have had many great mentors who took the time to invest in my career journey and pass along their knowledge, insights, and teachings. Whether through a structured program or the kindness of a great leader, almost all professionals can name an individual who served as a mentor in their development.
John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems, and Rick Justice, former CRO of Cisco Systems; believed in me, cared about me personally and professionally, and allowed me to thrive in all areas of my life without regrets. Most notably, they gave me opportunities, visibility, and flexibility. These mentor relationships have been some of the most rewarding and influential partnerships of my life. Today, serving as both a mentor and a mentee continues to be a crucial element of my own personal and professional development.
Did you know that “89% of mentored individuals go on to mentor others?” And, less impressively, “only 37% of professionals and 55% of women have a mentor.” Think about the cycle that creates — and how that impacts workplace culture. Change happens when people feel seen and heard. Theodore Roosevelt said it best, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” With that said, here are my two requests:
- Find a mentor. Seek out someone whose career, character, or drive you admire and ask them to be your guide.
- Be a mentor. Your initiative, leadership, and kindness can change the trajectory of someone’s career. Your knowledge and experiences are beyond valuable, so spread the wealth.
At Sprinklr, we encourage all Sprinklrites to participate in the mentorship program because the power of mentorship is unmatched—for both the mentee and the mentor. So, do your part. Think about the mentors in your life and the strengths you gained from their teachings and make the effort to pay it forward. In the words of our Sprinklr CEO and Founder, Ragy Thomas, “Helping others succeed makes us happy. Give back.”