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Activate your advocates for recruiting

February 10, 20225 MIN READ

Recruiting efforts look very different in 2022 than they ever have in the past. In the United States, the unemployment rate is at an all-time low and there are fewer unemployed people than there are job openings. A record 4.5 million Americans left their jobs at the end of 2021, and that trajectory is likely to continue as the economy recovers and organizations navigate their way to our collective new normal. It’s been coined “The Great Resignation,” and many industries and organizations are feeling the pain of millions of unfilled jobs that desperately need to be filled.

As with so much of the disruption that has occurred since March of 2020, this is a time for opportunity. Companies can find progressive ways to help HR leaders and their teams re-invent their recruiting strategies with technology and digital-first initiatives. We’ll call this “The Great Reimagining” — using innovative ideas and tools to improve HR talent attraction and retention efforts. One often untapped strategy is to leverage your own employees to boost recruiting through an Employee Advocacy program.

“Brand messages reach 561% further when shared by employees vs. being shared by the brand’s social channel.” (Marketing Advisory Network)

What is employee advocacy?

An employee advocacy program harnesses the power of your brand's most prolific advocates — your very own employees — to share your organization’s content with their own social ecosystem. Companies can automatically extend their reach, amplify their social content, and connect with audiences in a more authentic and meaningful way. This is particularly relevant for recruiting efforts as your employees will reach other like-minded professionals to expand your talent pool with the right candidates for your business.

Gartner recently included diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts in their top five priorities for HR leaders in 2022 and reported that 76% of employees and job seekers say a diverse workforce is important when evaluating a company. Social media users are extremely demographically diverse and tapping into that pool will also assist your organization’s DEI efforts.

Using employee advocacy for recruiting is important for a multitude of reasons and the data is clear:

  • 90% of customers trust products and services recommended by people they know (Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey)
  • 58.8% of employees in an Employee Advocacy Program spend more than 5 hours per week on social media for business use (Hinge Marketing)
  • Leads developed through employee social advocacy marketing convert 7X more frequently than other leads and brand messages are reshared 24X more frequently when employees share content (Marketing Advisory Network)
  • On average, your employees have a network that is 10X larger than your company’s follower base (LinkedIn)

It is estimated that there are more than 4.55 billion social media users worldwide and 86% of job seekers use social media in their job search. These numbers will continue to increase as Generation Z fills the workforce and social media recruiting will replace traditional HR recruiting efforts of posting on job boards and sifting through piles of resumes.

Throughout this Great Reimagining, HR leaders can be at the forefront of innovation by partnering with their marketing teams for creative recruiting initiatives.

How Sprinklr can help

We recently highlighted how HR leaders can leverage Social Advertising for recruiting to innovate their recruiting strategies. Using Employee Advocacy is yet another tool that brings the power of your marketing strategies to HR and recruitment.

Sprinklr’s Employee Advocacy platform helps organizations activate, build, and measure employee advocacy and brings the power of AI to your organization’s recruiting efforts. You’ll have a strategy that leverages internal supporters who will improve your brand’s share of voice and generate recruitment leads for your company. In addition to promoting your recruiting efforts, a well-designed employee advocacy program will also:

  • Increase your employee engagement efforts. Your employees will feel more connected to their work and your company when they can showcase your organization’s initiatives and accomplishments with their networks. Eighty-six percent of employees in a formal advocacy program said that their involvement in social media had a positive impact on their careers.
  • Boost your brand awareness and reputation. Brand reputation is more important than ever before. When your employees share your company’s content with their social media networks, they can have a positive effect on your brand recognition and how your brand is perceived.

Sprinklr Employee Advocacy allows HR teams to partner with marketing to generate leads for your company on one unified platform. You’ll curate a library of brand-approved content that employees can leverage across their own social networks through an advocacy site and mobile app. A single dashboard allows your teams to measure the impact of your posts to inform future content and you’ll reduce the cost of ad creation. All while partnering with your employees to amplify your brand messages.

With an Employee Advocacy program for recruiting, HR leaders can mitigate the negative impact of unfilled positions that can disrupt your company’s operations, consumer perceptions, and the bottom line.

Learn more about Sprinklr Marketing and Advertising, and how Employee Advocacy can help your HR teams to fill requisitions quickly and with the right people.

Turning Employees into Your Best Brand Advocates

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