How to Create a Social Media Content Calendar like a Pro

Aishwarya Suresh

Karishma Borkakoty

June 14, 20249 min read

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Meet Alex, a social media manager who’s always on the go. Alex starts each week with a burst of creativity, firing off posts and engaging with the audience. But by mid-week, the ideas dry up and Alex is left scrambling for content, feeling the pressure of keeping up with the ever-demanding social media landscape. Sound familiar?


One day, Alex discovers the secret to a smoother, more organized social media strategy: a social media content calendar. This isn't just another boring spreadsheet — it's a creative playground where Alex can map out the posts, stay ahead of trends and keep the content fresh and engaging.

Creating a content calendar transforms Alex’s work life. No more last-minute stress or repetitive posts. Instead, there's a clear, organized plan that makes social media management feel less like a frantic race.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a social media calendar that can revolutionize your approach just like it did for Alex. Ready to leave the chaos behind and step into a more organized, strategic social media game? Let's dive in and get started!

Table of Contents

What is a social media calendar?

A social media content calendar refers to a tool used for planning, scheduling, and organizing your social media posts in advance. It helps you map out what content to share, when to share it and on which platforms. By using a content calendar, you can:  

  • Ensure a consistent posting schedule

  • Align your content with your marketing goals 

  • Avoid the stress of last-minute posting  

Think of it as your strategic blueprint for keeping your social media presence active, engaging and well-coordinated. 

You can use a digital calendar app, spreadsheet or social media management tools like Sprinklr to manage social content calendars. The image below represents a sample social media calendar so you can better understand what it’s all about.  

An illustration of a social media calendar that depicts the posting cycle for each day of the month.


Importance of social media calendar in content planning

A social media content calendar is essential for any effective social media strategy.

Here are four key reasons why:

1. Saves time and boosts productivity

Planning your social media content in advance means you're not constantly scrambling for ideas. With a content calendar, you can:

  • Organize posts for weeks or months ahead

  • Batch content creation tasks, making the process more efficient

  • Free up time for more strategic activities

2. Ensures consistency

Consistency is key to maintaining an active and engaging social media presence. A content calendar helps you:

  • Schedule regular posts to keep your audience engaged

  • Maintain a consistent brand voice and style

  • Avoid the pitfalls of sporadic or reactive posting

3. Enhances quality and reduces errors

When you plan content ahead, you have the opportunity to review and refine your posts, leading to higher quality content. Benefits include:

4. Improves collaboration and coordination

A content calendar isn't just for the social media manager — it's a tool that benefits the whole team. It helps by:

  • Providing a clear overview of upcoming content, enhancing team visibility

  • Streamlining communication and collaboration across departments

  • Aligning social media efforts with broader social media goals and strategies

You now know that by implementing a social media content calendar, you can transform your content planning from chaotic to coordinated!

Get your Free Social Media Calendar Excel Template

What should a social media calendar include?

A well-structured social media content calendar is your roadmap to a consistent and engaging online presence. Here’s what you should include:

✅ Content themes and topics
✅ Post dates and times
✅ Platforms and specific strategies
✅ Content types (e.g., blog posts, videos, infographics)
✅ Social copy including captions, hashtags and links
✅ Visual assets (images, graphics, videos)
✅ Engagement and promotion plans
✅ Team responsibilities and roles
✅ Analytics and performance metrics (social media KPIs)
✅ Review and approval processes
✅ Space for collaboration and feedback notes

By including these key elements, your social media calendar will help you stay organized, ensure consistency and maximize the impact of your content. A comprehensive calendar not only keeps your strategy on track but also allows your team to collaborate effectively and adapt to changing trends and opportunities.

Sounds like a lot of work? Download our free, ready-to-use social media content calendar template and eliminate all the grunge work today 👇

Social media marketers can also include platform-specific fields, like hashtags and social media collaborations, in their content calendar. These fields offer better visibility to marketers on the popular hashtags that they need to include and the influencers they need to collaborate with for particular posts.

Struggling to find effective hashtags for your content? Read our blog.

Steps to create a social media calendar & automate posts

Creating a social media calendar and automating posts can make your social media game effective, ensuring your content is always on point and your followers are consistently engaged. Here’s how you can achieve this:

Step 1: Identify your calendar requirements

Before you dive into creating your calendar, it’s crucial to identify your specific needs.

Consider questions like:

  • What are your primary social media goals (e.g., brand awareness, engagement, lead generation)?

  • How many social media channels are you managing?

  • What type of content will you post (e.g., blogs, videos, infographics)?

  • What is your target audience’s behavior and preferences?

  • How often do you plan to post?

Having a clear understanding of these requirements will help you design a calendar that aligns with your overall strategy.

Step 2: Choose the right platform for creating a calendar

After determining your needs, select a platform that fits your requirements. Sprinklr could be an excellent choice due to its comprehensive features designed to streamline social media planning and execution.

Why Sprinklr?

  • Unified calendar view: Sprinklr provides a single calendar view where you can plan, schedule and manage posts across multiple social media channels. This ensures you have a clear overview of all upcoming content. 

Sprinklr-s content calendar

Learn More: 5 Ways a Unified Calendar Can Improve Your Marketing Strategy

  • Customizable workspace: You can personalize your calendar by applying filters, detailed tags and color codes. This helps in categorizing content and focusing on the most important data. 

Sprinklr-s Content Calendar customization feature
  • Collaboration: Assign tasks and leave notes for team members, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.

Sprinklr-s Content Calendar allows to assign tasks and leave notes for better collaboration

  • Advanced analytics: With robust analytics, you can track the performance of your posts and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Sprinklr-c Content Calendar provides content performance insights on the go
  • Brand governance: Sprinklr’s brand governance tools ensure that all local marketing teams adhere to the same brand standards, maintaining consistency across all regions. With clear guidelines and centralized oversight, Sprinklr keeps your messaging unified and on-brand, helping every piece of content align with your overall brand strategy and creating a cohesive experience for your audience.

Brand governance in Sprinklr Marketing

Setting up your calendar in Sprinklr:

  • Start by setting up your social media channels within Sprinklr

  • Use Sprinklr’s intuitive calendar interface to plan your content. You can view your posts by day, week or month

    Sprinklr-s Calendar Week View

  • Invite your team and assign roles to ensure everyone knows their responsibilities

  • Sprinklr integrates with various tools and platforms, making it easy to pull in content from your CMS, design tools or analytics platforms

Step 3: Use a social media calendar template

A social media content calendar template helps you stay organized, streamline workflows, improve collaboration and track metrics.

To enhance your template, include:

  • Published post links: Track all published content easily.

  • UTM tracking links: Measure traffic sources and effectiveness of campaigns.

  • Geo-tags: Target posts geographically when relevant.

  • Network-specific formats: Tailor content for social media stories, feed posts or short-form videos.

  • Campaign association: Link content to specific campaigns like product launches.

  • Approval status: Track the approval process of each post.

  • Paid or organic post details: Include budget details for paid posts.

Get your Free Social Media Calendar Excel Template

Step 4: Categorize your content based on your goals

Organizing your content is vital for achieving your social media objectives. Categorize your content into different types and align them with your social media goals:

  • Brand awareness: Share content that showcases your brand’s story, values and culture. This could include behind-the-scenes videos, employee stories and brand milestones.

  • Engagement: Post interactive content like polls, questions and contests to encourage audience participation.

  • Education: Share informative content such as blog posts, how-to guides, tutorials and infographics.

  • Promotions: Announce sales, special offers and product launches to drive conversions.

  • User-generated content: Showcase content created by your audience to build community and trust.

With Sprinklr, content categorization is a simple affair, courtesy features like:

  • Content buckets: Create content buckets in Sprinklr to organize your posts and campaigns by category (Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns, Messages, Paid Initiatives, Events). This helps in maintaining a balanced content mix

    Sprinklr-s Calendar allows to bucket your content

  • Tagging: Use tags and labels to categorize content within the calendar. This makes it easy to filter and view specific types of posts.

  • Templates: Utilize Sprinklr’s content templates to ensure consistency in your posts. Customize templates for different content categories to save time.

On top of this, we offer Sprinklr’s analytics and social listening platform to understand which channels and content types perform best — creating content that meets your audience’s interests and needs.

Step 5: Scheduling posting times

Timing is crucial in social media. Posting at the right time can significantly increase engagement and reach.

Analyzing the best times to post on social media:

  • Audience insights: Use analytics to understand when your audience is most active. This data-driven approach ensures your posts get maximum visibility.

By using Sprinklr’s Smart Audience Insights, you can maximize your ROI by analyzing real-time digital signals from consumers. This allows you to understand your customers deeply and what they care about. By narrowing in on audience affinities, you can create custom segments, uncovering new business opportunities and crafting content that resonates with your audience.

  • Platform differences: Different platforms have different peak times. Tailor your posting schedule to fit the specific platform’s audience behavior.

    Want to learn how often you need to post on your social channels? Jump right into this blog and uncover the secrets to posting on each channel. Here’s an infographic with gist of the blog if are short of time 🔽

    An infographic showing posting frequency on different social platforms

  • Content type: Consider the type of social media content you are posting. For example, video content might perform better during off-work hours, while educational posts might be more effective during lunch breaks. Use Sprinklr’s social listening tool for this.

Automating with Sprinklr:

  • Recurring posts: For evergreen content, use the recurring post feature to automate reposting at regular intervals.

    Sprinklr-s Calendar allows to schedule recurring posts

  • Monitor and adjust: Continuously monitor the performance of your posts through Sprinklr’s analytics and adjust your schedule as needed for optimal results.

Step 6: Utilize approval workflows

Sprinklr offers a streamlined approval process to ensure that all content meets your brand’s standards before it’s published. This feature allows you to:

  • Assign roles: Designate roles such as content creators, editors and approvers.

  • Track progress: Monitor the status of each post as it moves through the approval process.

  • Maintain quality: Ensure that every piece of content is reviewed and approved before going live, maintaining your brand’s integrity and consistency.

🎥 Watch Now: How Consistent Brand Experiences Are Created

Step 7: Track and analyze your social media content calendar

Your social media calendar should also be a tool for tracking and measuring metrics across platforms and social media campaigns.

3 essential analytics to monitor in your calendar

📈Seasonal trends
Staying on top of seasonal themes and events will keep your content timely and relevant.

💬 Audience feedback
Consistently review and incorporate audience feedback to ensure your content hits the mark.

🏆Competitor analysis
Stay informed on competitor activities to find gaps and opportunities for your content strategy.

Best tools for managing social media calendar

Managing a social media content calendar can be much easier with the right tools. Here are three of the best options to help you stay organized:

1. Sprinklr

Sprinklr streamlines content planning across 6+ social channels into one unified calendar. It offers a comprehensive view of your social posts, events and campaigns, making it easy to organize content and collaborate with global teams.

You can personalize your workspace with filters, detailed tags and color codes, and categorize data by engagement metrics to focus on what matters most to your brand.

Sprinklr enables seamless collaboration by allowing task assignments and note-taking, ensuring nothing is missed. It also supports planning in different time zones and sharing your calendar with teammates in various formats. With real-time performance monitoring, you can analyze engagement metrics such as likes, comments and shares, and optimize your strategy accordingly.

Sprinklr-s Unified Calendar view

Sprinklr Recognized as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Content Marketing Platforms, for the Fifth Time in a Row

2. Buffer

Buffer provides a user-friendly interface to schedule posts on a weekly or monthly calendar. Connect your social media channels to Buffer and use the publishing tools to schedule posts. Buffer also offers templates and guides to help you plan your content effectively. The platform allows you to automate your content creation workflows, collaborate with team members and streamline a system of approvals before posting.

It offers a free version for those who only need basic scheduling capabilities. This tool is ideal for users who prefer a simple, no-frills approach to managing their social media content.

Buffer content calendar

3. Hootsuite

Hootsuite’s Calendar view allows you to see, schedule and adjust your social posts across all major networks at a glance. You can drag and drop content to fine-tune the timing of your cross-platform campaigns and view paid and organic content side-by-side. Hootsuite’s calendar publishes content automatically at designated times and is accessible via desktop and mobile app, giving you flexibility to manage your content both at the office and on the go.

It also suggests the best times to post based on your audience and desired results, helping you optimize your content scheduling for maximum impact.

Hootsuite Content Calendar

🔍 Looking for more scheduling tools and solutions?

Check out our listicle of the ten best scheduling tools for brands in 2024. You get critical analysis of ten tools, based on:

  • Stand-out features

  • Real customer reviews

  • Trial and pricing information

  • Expert verdict

All the information you’d need to compare and contrast tools objectively and find your best fit.

Generate social media calendar using ChatGPT (Pros & Cons)

For generating a social media calendar using ChatGPT, you can follow the below steps:

  • Define your content goals: Specify the type of content you want to post (e.g., promotional, educational, engagement-focused).

  • List your platforms: Identify which social media platforms you’ll be using (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, X).

  • Input your schedule: Provide the frequency and ideal times for posting on each platform.

  • Request a template: Ask ChatGPT to generate a social media content calendar template based on your inputs.

  • Fill in content ideas: Use ChatGPT to brainstorm and populate the calendar with content ideas for each scheduled post.

For example, you might ask ChatGPT: "Can you create a social media content calendar template for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, posting three times a week with a mix of promotional, educational and engagement posts?"

Result 👇

ChatGPT response for a social media content calendar

Related Read: ChatGPT for Social Media: 7 Best Use Cases

Pros of using ChatGPT:
💰 Free: No cost, just your time and creativity.
Fast Ideas: Quickly generate content ideas.
👍 Easy: Simple prompts make it user-friendly.

Cons of using ChatGPT:
🛠️ Limited customization: Basic templates might not fit all your needs.
👩Manual management: You have to update and manage the calendar yourself.
📉 No analytics: Lacks insights to optimize your posts.
🔗 No integration: No automated posting features.

❓ Did you know?

The power of Generative AI is within Sprinklr now — with Sprinklr AI+

This tool is powered by large language models (LLM) to understand your brand's style and audience, helping you create a content calendar that resonates on every platform.

With Sprinklr AI+, you get:

💡 Insights: Analyze trends and audience preferences to guide your content strategy, ensuring each post is perfectly timed and targeted.

🎨 Personalization: Automatically craft content like captions, images and videos using natural language processing and computer vision, saving you time and resources.

⏱️ Efficiency: Generate content ideas quickly, allowing you to focus on strategic planning and other critical tasks.

Interested in making content calendar creation easier?

Final Thoughts

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." — Benjamin Franklin (and he didn't even have Instagram! 😉)

A well-planned social media content calendar is your ticket to social media success! By planning ahead, you can turn chaos into a captivating strategy that dazzles your audience and hits all the right notes.

So, why wait? Dive into creating your social media content calendar today and watch your online presence bloom like never before. Your future self will thank you and your followers will love you for it.

Start now with Sprinklr and let's make your social media sparkle! ⏬

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