Types of call centers and their functions

Pradeep Vasudev

June 15, 202314 min read

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Call centers are the core of the customer service process — a centralized hub for businesses to handle customer calls and conversations to provide support.   

But have you ever thought about whether all types of calls go to the same call center? Is it feasible to manage so many different functions with a single team/call center? What kind of call center would do justice to your unique business needs and goals?  

In this blog, we'll discuss in detail the types of call centers prevalent in the industry, how they differ, what purpose each type serves and how you can select the best type of call center for your business. Read on.

Table of Contents

What is a call center?

A call center is a specialized unit of your business that handles inbound and outbound customer interactions primarily through phone calls. It's where your company's customer service representatives answer inquiries, provide support, resolve issues and do much more related to customer service.   

With a dedicated team, call centers can go beyond providing assistance — they can create exceptional customer experiences, drive sales and build your customer base. With timely and personalized support, call centers serve as the heartbeat of customer communication, operational streamlining, relationship building and growth.  

But call centers aren't just about customer service; they are also revenue generators. Skilled agents can guide potential customers through purchases, suggest additional offerings and contribute to overall business success. Outbound call centers can conduct targeted calling campaigns to gather net new leads and reactivate passive leads, driving your sales engine. 

Moreover, call centers are vital in gathering valuable feedback and market insights. They collect data on customer preferences, satisfaction levels and emerging trends. This information guides business decisions, drives improvements and shapes targeted strategies to better meet customer needs.

But that’s not all. Call centers are slowly transforming from support units to happiness units. Gartner predicts that by 2026, 75% of people who call customer support will be out of loneliness, not for any support or sales needs. Interesting, right?

With such diverse use cases, there can’t possibly be a one-size-fits-all approach to call centers. Read the next section to understand the different types of call centers, each with their benefits, drawbacks and functions.

Different types of call centers and their functions

When it comes to call centers, there are several types, each with its own unique functions and purposes. Let's explore a range of them and understand their benefits and limitations.

1. Inbound call centers

Inbound call centers are dedicated to handling incoming calls from customers. They aim to:

  • Provide product/technical support

  • Resolve queries pertaining to appointments, billing, returns, renewals, upgrades and more

  • Gather customer feedback 

By acting as the first point of contact, they ensure customers receive timely and personalized solutions, building trust and loyalty.   

These call centers gather valuable feedback and insights directly from customers to help improve products and services. However, wait times may increase during peak periods, leading to potential customer frustration.  

A practical use case of an inbound call center can be for an e-commerce company like Amazon or eBay that handles tons of customer inquiries about product details, order tracking and returns. 

Benefits of inbound call centers

  • Personalized support and prompt issue resolution

  • Valuable feedback for continuous improvement

  • Building strong customer relationships and loyalty

Limitation: Customers might experience longer wait times when the call center is experiencing high call volumes.

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Outbound call centers

Outbound call centers focus on proactive, outgoing calls to customers or prospects. They engage in:

  • Lead generation through telemarketing, cross-selling/upselling

  • Market research activities

  • Proactive customer support

  • Appointment booking

  • Debt collection, and more

These call centers drive customer outreach, promote products or services and identify potential sales opportunities.

Outbound call centers help businesses expand their customer base and increase revenue.

Image 1 (from Adobe Stock)

An excellent example of an outbound call center use case would be a financial institution like American Express contacting customers to offer personalized loan or credit card options.


  • Increased sales opportunities and revenue generation

  • Expansion of customer base through proactive outreach

  • Gathering market insights and feedback

Limitation: You might have to deal with customers who may not be receptive to unsolicited calls, which can cause unnecessary friction and stress.

Tips to develop empathy: How to show empathy in customer service

Virtual call centers

Virtual call centers operate with remote agents from different locations rather than a centralized office. These call centers handle both inbound and outbound calls using technology to connect agents with customers seamlessly.   

They offer flexibility, cost savings and the benefits of a traditional call center without geographical limitations. However, managing remote teams and ensuring consistent service quality can pose challenges. 

A good use case would be for a software company like Microsoft or Google that can provide customer support and software training to clients worldwide through virtual call centers.


  • Flexibility for agents to work from anywhere

  • Cost savings in terms of office space and infrastructure

  • Access to a global talent pool

Limitation: Ensuring consistent service quality with remote teams can be a real challenge and synchronization might also be an issue with different timezones.

Curious to learn more? Also, Check out our cloud contact center guide.

Blended call centers

Blended call centers combine both inbound and outbound call center functions. They handle incoming customer calls while also proactively making outgoing calls. These call centers offer a seamless customer experience by providing support, resolving issues and conducting proactive outreach.

Blended call centers enable businesses to optimize resources and increase customer engagement. However, managing both inbound and outbound activities can be operationally challenging.

A great use case for a blended call center would be a call center for a telecom company that handles customer complaints and also reaches out to existing customers with advanced call plans and bill payment reminders.


  • Efficient utilization of resources for both inbound and outbound activities

  • Enhanced customer engagement and satisfaction

  • Increased sales opportunities and revenue potential

Limitation: Managing both inbound and outbound functions simultaneously can be arduous, even with the right workforce and resources.

Confused about what call center type suits your business needs? The next section talks in detail about this very aspect.

How to choose the right call center for your business?

There are several factors to consider when selecting the right call center type for your business, including your call flow, business objective and budget. Let's explore some key considerations to help you make an informed decision:

Step 1: Understand your business needs

Begin by understanding the specific requirements of your business. Assess the nature of your customer interactions, whether inbound, outbound or a blend of both. Determine the volume of calls, the complexity of inquiries and any specialized support you may need.

Learn more: Customer service in a call center: A detailed guide

Step 2: Evaluate your customers’ preferences

Consider communication channels preferred by your target audience. Do they like phone calls, live chat, email or social media? Opt for a call center type that aligns with your customers' preferences to ensure seamless and effective communication.

Step 3: Assess scalability and flexibility

Think of how scalable your specific call center type can be. Will your call center’s needs change as your business grows? Ensure that the chosen call center type can accommodate your future expansion and adapt to evolving customer demands.

Step 4: Optimize your resources

Assess your available resources, including budget and staffing capabilities. Determine whether you have the necessary infrastructure and skilled personnel to operate an in-house call center. If not, explore outsourcing options (like contact center as a service) that can provide cost savings and access to specialized expertise.

Step 5: Analyze technology and infrastructure

Evaluate the technology and infrastructure required for your call center operations. Determine the level of automation, call routing, CRM integration and analytics capabilities needed to enhance efficiency and deliver a seamless customer experience.

Step 6: Think about compliance and security

If your industry has specific compliance and security requirements, ensure the chosen call center type adheres to these regulations. For example, you might not want to move data out of your premises for any reason if you're in a high-risk industry, like a bank or an organization that processes biometric data. Protecting sensitive customer data and maintaining confidentiality are crucial considerations in selecting the right call center type.

By carefully balancing all these factors, you can choose the call center type that aligns with your business objectives, customer preferences and available resources.

Call center technologies for every company

Call center technologies play a crucial role in empowering businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences and streamline their operations. Let's explore some key technologies that can benefit every company:

1. Automated call distribution (ACD): ACD systems intelligently route incoming calls to the most appropriate agents based on predefined criteria such as skillset, language or availability. This ensures customers are quickly connected to the right agent, reducing wait times and improving efficiency.

GIF 1 (from customer support automation FP)

2. Interactive voice response (IVR): IVR systems use voice or keypad inputs to provide self-service options for customers. Callers can navigate through menus, access information and perform basic tasks without agent intervention. IVR enhances customer convenience, reduces call volumes and allows agents to focus on more complex queries.

Image 2 (from CC routing strategy blog)

3. Customer relationship management (CRM) software: CRM systems store customer information, interaction history and preferences in a centralized database. Integrating a CRM with the call center enables agents to access relevant customer data during calls, providing personalized experiences and resolving queries more efficiently.

4. Call recording and quality monitoring: Call recording allows businesses to capture and review customer interactions for quality assurance and training. Quality monitoring tools analyze call metrics, such as call duration, hold times and agent performance, enabling managers to identify areas for improvement and ensure consistent service delivery.

GIF 2 (from SLA FP)

5. Workforce management (WFM): WFM solutions help optimize staffing and scheduling in call centers. They consider factors like call volume, average handling time and agent availability to create efficient work schedules. WFM tools ensure adequate staffing levels, minimize wait times and maximize agent productivity.

6. Knowledge base and self-service portals: Providing customers access to a knowledge base or conversational chatbot empowers them to find answers to common queries independently. This reduces call volumes and allows agents to focus on more complex issues, improving overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Image 3 (from self serve FP)

7. Speech analytics: Speech analytics software uses advanced algorithms to analyze customer conversations and extract valuable insights. It can identify customer sentiment, detect keywords or phrases and provide feedback on agent performance. Speech analytics helps businesses understand customer needs, improve service quality and identify trends or issues.

Brands that leverage speech analytics in support witness at least 10% increase in their customer satisfaction and 20%-30% increase in sales. 



8. Omnichannel support: With customers expecting seamless experiences across multiple channels, an omnichannel approach is essential. This technology enables businesses to integrate and manage customer interactions across phone, email, live chat, social media and SMS channels. Agents can access a unified view of customer interactions, ensuring consistency and continuity.

Need the full list of call center technologies?

Benefits of call centers across different industries

Call centers bring valuable benefits to businesses across various industries. Let's explore how call centers positively impact different sectors:

1. Retail and e-commerce: In the retail and e-commerce industry, call centers are vital in providing customer support, processing orders and addressing inquiries. By offering prompt assistance and resolving issues, retail call centers enhance customer satisfaction, resulting in increased sales, repeat purchases and improved brand loyalty.

2. Healthcare: Call centers in the healthcare sector provide essential services such as:

  • appointment scheduling

  • patient inquiries

  • emergency support

They ensure efficient patient management, reduce waiting times and offer medical guidance. Call centers also enable healthcare providers to deliver personalized care and communicate effectively with patients.

3. Financial services: In the financial services industry, call centers handle tasks like:

  • account inquiries

  • transaction assistance

  • fraud prevention

They provide customers with secure access to financial information and help resolve complex issues promptly. Call centers in this sector enhance customer trust, ensure regulatory compliance and contribute to strong customer relationships.

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4. Hospitality and travel: Call centers are essential for the hospitality and travel industry to help travelers with:

  • Bookings

  • Travel-related queries

  • Personalized recommendations

They also help address concerns and provide support throughout the customer journey. Call centers enhance customer satisfaction, drive bookings and contribute to positive guest experiences.

5. Telecommunications: Call centers in the telecom industry manage customer service inquiries, billing concerns and technical support. They ensure smooth communication services, resolve network issues and assist with account management. Call centers contribute to customer retention, reduce churn rates and strengthen brand reputation.

6. Technology and software: Call centers in the technology and software industry offer technical support, software troubleshooting and product guidance. They assist customers in utilizing technology effectively, resolving software issues and providing timely assistance. Call centers contribute to customer satisfaction, product adoption and brand loyalty. 

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7. Education: Call centers in the education sector handle admissions inquiries, student support and course information. They assist prospective students in enrollment, answer queries and provide guidance. Call centers help educational institutions deliver excellent customer service, support student success and improve enrollment rates.

8. Utilities: Call centers in the utilities industry manage customer inquiries related to electricity, water and gas services. They address billing concerns, service disruptions and technical issues promptly. Call centers ensure effective communication, enhance customer satisfaction and contribute to efficient utility service delivery.

Why are brands opting for contact centers over call centers?

In recent years, many brands have shifted their focus from traditional call centers to more comprehensive contact centers. Let's explore the reasons behind this transition:

1. Omnichannel customer engagement: Contact centers provide a holistic approach to customer engagement by integrating various communication channels such as phone calls, email, live chat, social media and SMS. Brands recognize that customers expect seamless experiences across multiple channels and contact centers enable them to deliver consistent and personalized interactions.

Learn more: Omnichannel customer engagement — How to manage effectively

2. Enhanced customer experience: Contact centers prioritize customer experience by offering self-service options, personalized support and quick issue resolution. By leveraging advanced technologies and skilled agents, brands can provide faster response times, proactive assistance and a seamless transition between channels. This leads to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Deeper insights and analytics: Contact centers gather valuable customer data from multiple channels, enabling brands to gain deeper insights into customer preferences, behaviors and pain points. Advanced analytics tools help identify trends, anticipate customer needs and tailor marketing strategies accordingly. Brands can make data-driven decisions to enhance their products, services and overall customer experience.

4. Proactive customer service: Contact centers enable brands to proactively address customer needs. Through real-time monitoring and social listening, brands can identify potential issues or negative sentiments, allowing them to intervene and resolve problems before they escalate. Proactive customer service builds trust and demonstrates a brand's commitment to customer satisfaction.

5. Seamless collaboration and knowledge sharing: Contact centers facilitate easy collaboration among agents, enabling them to access shared knowledge bases, communicate with experts and provide consistent responses across channels. This ensures a unified and accurate customer experience, regardless of the agent handling the interaction.

6. Scalability and flexibility: Contact centers offer greater scalability and flexibility than traditional call centers. With cloud-based technologies, brands can quickly scale their operations up or down based on demand. They can also leverage remote or distributed workforce models, allowing agents to work from anywhere, increasing operational agility.

7. Brand reputation and differentiation: Contact centers play a significant role in shaping a brand's reputation and differentiating it from competitors. By providing exceptional customer experiences across various touchpoints, brands can build a positive reputation, attract new customers and retain existing ones. Contact centers contribute to creating a unique brand identity based on customer-centricity and service excellence.

Call Center vs. Contact Center

Final thoughts

Call centers play a pivotal role in enhancing customer experience, driving sales and gathering valuable insights across your customer base that can help improve your business operations. Each type of call center caters to specific business needs and choosing the right call center type can help businesses provide exceptional customer support while developing fruitful long-term customer relationships.  

But what if a single customer care solution can work with different call centers to deliver the best care experience? You heard that right.  

With Sprinklr Service, you can supercharge any call center’s functions to derive maximum productivity while still keeping your customers at the heart of your operations. Sprinklr helps your call centers to:

  • provide quicker, efficient resolutions to customer issues who raised inbound tickets

  • interact with existing customers to leverage upsell/cross-sell initiatives through outbound conversations

  • view, manage and resolve all customer issues from one window using a unified agent desktop

  • obtain detailed analytics through reporting and use that data to improve quality of service 

Still don’t believe us? Sign up for a free, fully-functional 30-day free trial and see how you can completely reinvent your call center operations with Sprinklr Service. 

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